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Compliance SOP's: Setting up Jira and Completing a Compliance Tracker Task

  1. Log into JIRA. https://veracityins.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/ICP/board
  2. Go to “Board” tab of blue section.
  3. To just see your tasks, select the owner just below where you click “Board”. This is also where you can do a search of all tasks.
  4. For further detailed options to view, click “Filter” near the top right.

  5. From the dropdown there are multiple options that can be used to sort. You can choose to add fields in that dropdown such as which priority, status, frequency, etc. These filters can be saved and named by clicking “Save filter” in the dropdown.

  6. The “Cards”, which is what Jira calls how your tasks are displayed in your “Board” can be changed. Use the “More” dropdown for this.

    For example: Below shows your cards with “Priority” selected or not.


7. Once everything is how you would like to see on your tasks (cards) you can move on.

8. Click on that card. It will open your task.

The top sub tasks in blue are links. Clicking on them will take you to that sub task Confluence page to work it.

The bottom check boxes here are where you can check them off as you work the task. Mostly “To Do”, “In Progress”, and “Completed” will be utilized.

Checking the box by the individual sub task, defaults too “Complete”.

9. When you are done working on all the subtasks or are in progress of it, you can change  the full task progress on the top right side in the task window. If you have not finished all of subtasks you will click on “In Progress”. This window can now be closed. 


10. It is also easy to change the status of the task by just clicking and dragging from one lane to the other in your maid “Board”.

11. When all subtasks are done you will mark “Done” in your task window or drag your card into the “Done” lane on your main board.


Date Edit
6/11/2024 Created